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This is just a collection of tasty, useful, and mostly healthy low sodium recipes. Some basics, some random yummy stuff. 

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Chicken Stock

Chicken Stock

Difficulty: Medium

Serves: Almost 2 quarts

Preparation time: 10 Minutes

Cook time: 3+ Hours

Total time: 3+ Hours

Notes: Low Sodium, Heart Healthy, Instant Pot Friendly (Please make this in a pressure cooker!)


  • 1 chicken carcass, cooked or uncooked

  • 1 large onion

  • 5 garlic cloves

  • 2 celery stalks

  • 2 medium carrots

  • 1 medium leek

  • 1 small celery root

  • 1 small bundle fresh parsley, about ½ oz.

  • 3 bay leaves

  • ½ tsp whole black pepper

  • ½ tsp MSG & ½ tsp Potassium Chloride



Cut leek into 3” cylinders, put in bowl and cover with cold water. (Leeks can have fine dirt and sand in their layers, letting them sit in cold water for a few minutes lets the dirt settle to the bottom.) Cut vegetables into large chunks. Put all ingredients into a 6+ quart stock pot, cover with water, about 4 quarts.

Bring to a boil, reduce to a simmer. Cover, let simmer for 3+ hours, stir occasionally, add more water if necessary. Remove lid and let simmer and reduce, another hour. Once reduced to nearly half, about 2 quarts, drain and preserve.

Instant Pot Version:

Stocks and broths are very, very Instant Pot friendly.

Put all ingredients in your pot, cover with water,

do not exceed the max amount on your pot.

Pressure cook High for 30 minutes, let decompress

naturally, ca. 20 minutes.

Remove lid, set to “Sauté Low” and let simmer and

reduce another 10 to 20 minutes. Drain and preserve.

Jícama Slaw​

Difficulty: Easy

Serves: 4

Preparation time: 15 Minutes

Cook time: 30 Minutes (+15 to marinate)

Total time: 15 Minutes

Notes: Low Sodium, Heart Healthy


  • 3 cups green cabbage

  • 1& ½ cups Jícama

  • 2 red apples

  • 1 small shallot

  • 3 Tbsp Mayonnaise

  • 1& ½ Tbsp Apple Cider Vinegar

  • 1 tsp sugar



Julienne (cut into matchstick sized bits) or Mandolin (don’t add any finger tips) all produce, mix with other ingredients, let marinate for 15+ Minutes. Refrigerate.  

Jicima Slaw


Difficulty: Easy

Serves: 1 lbs

Preparation time: 15 Minutes

Cook time: 0

Total time: 15 Minutes

Notes: Low Sodium, Nuts(!)


  • 3 cups fine almond flour

  • 1 cup powdered sugar

  • 4 Tbsp pasteurized egg whites (in supermarkets next to the dairy)

  • 1 Tbsp real almond extract

  • 2 tsp rose water

  • Optional: ¼ cup pure cocoa powder


Combine almond flour and sugar in large bowl and mix until clumps dissolve. Mix in egg whites with the dough hook attachment of a hand or stand up mixer on medium. Add extract and rose water, mix until dough ball forms. Dust a surface with powdered sugar and knead by hand into desired shape.

Optional: Marzipankartoffel (German marzipan “potatoes”)

Dust surface with coca powder, divide marzipan into

40 bits, and roll into little balls coated in cocoa.  

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